We’re more finished than we are not…

…and it feels great!

I’ve been so silent on the blog front because 1) I’m a busy doc student and 2) there hasn’t been toooo terribly much to report. I had a rough week, emotionally, which may have been Whole30 related, or just related to the fact that I am in school and homesick. I continue to turn down temptation (chocolate, I miss you), such as an invite to a pizza party on Friday night. Anthony went and the host cooked a compliant meal for him, but pizza is a weakness of mine so I figured it would be best to stay far away.

I’ve been cooking up a storm and sticking to my exercise plan. My clothes fit really well. Actually, on Friday, I noticed a pair of pants were basically falling off of me and needed a belt. Huge NSV! I can’t wait to take my after photos and compare to the beginning and halfway points.

Today is Day 23, and I’ve noticed many changes besides weight loss. I’m sleeping better. Like, straight through the night. No bathroom breaks or anything, which is totally unusual for me since I am such a light sleeper. No random back pain while I am literally just standing there talking to someone, which is great. I have had random headaches for the past 4 days or so, which could be residual detox or dehydration. Besides that, I feel more confident in the kitchen and I’ve gotten my grocery bill $100 cheaper than what it was from the first week. Score!

For consistency purposes, here is my menu and meal plan from last week (and just a couple of photos because I’m terrible). As always, let me know if you need recipes!


Meal 1- 2 eggs overhard, avocado, roasted veggies

Meal 2- Leftovers

Meal 3- Spinach salad with chicken–I spent the night in Richmond for a school assignment, so I put on a crockpot of chicken enchilada stew for Anthony

Exercise- Rest Day- too busy running around like a crazy person meal prepping and packing for Richmond


Meal 1- 1/2 banana,  1 chopped boiled egg with olive oil and 1/2 an avocado- breakfast in Richmond, the event I went to served a breakfast with fruit that I ate while everyone else ate bagels and muffins etc.

Meal 2- Tuna salad with celery, grape, egg, olive oil, and other 1/2 of the avocado- while driving back from Richmond, thanks to the help of my classmate who worked with me to prepare it and make the process manageable while multi-tasking!

Meal 3- Leftovers

Exercise- Rest Day- unfortunately…I was in Richmond from Sunday night until Monday at 11:30 AM, then drove back just in time for class 4-7 PM. That’s the life of a doc student!


Meal 1- Breakfast casserole- artichoke and sundried tomato- smelled like heaven in the oven!

Meal 2- Roasted sweet potato noodles, boiled egg, mashed avocado, and salsa

Meal 3- Crockpot chicken marinara

Exercise- BBG Week 8 Day 1


Meal 1-  Breakfast casserole

Meal 2- Hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and compliant ranch, side of roasted veggies

Meal 3- Leftovers—this day was a bad day. I did our taxes which was a fiasco (we are meeting with a CPA on Monday, needless to say). I was originally supposed to cook shrimp (fresh-caught, very important to a native New Orleanian like me) and zucchini noodles. Anthony decided to do it so I could deal with the taxes. Well, we sit down to eat and he mentions he added a random Asian seasoning he found in the pantry. Before we could eat it, I insisted on checking it. 2nd ingredient- brown sugar. I think to say I was upset would be an understatement. It is now in the freezer to be defrosted after Whole30…

Exercise- Run- I’m still injured, but I figured out that I can run about 5 minutes, jog for 3, and alternate doing that 3x without feeling any pain. Better than nothing. No time to address it right now, unfortunately.


Meal 1- 2 eggs overhard, bacon, sweet potato noodles, strawberry with almond butter

Meal 2-Salad

Meal 3- Crockpot lemon chicken artichoke soup with russet potatos- yummy!

Exercise- BBG Week 8 Day 2


Meal 1- Sweet potato toast with almond butter, mashed avocado, and eggs overhard–okay, why did I wait so long to try sweet potato toast? So good!

Meal 2- Leftovers

Meal 3- Lasagna- this was sooo good. Seriously. I don’t feel deprived when I stumble upon recipes like this.

Exercise- Rest Day, unfortunately–my 2 day migraine came to a head (no pun intended) when I woke up on Friday barely able to move without it pounding.


Meal 1- 2 eggs overhard, bacon, sweet potato noodles (burnt, whoops!), and salad

Meal 2- Leftovers

Meal 3- Tuna steak with roasted veggies and chopped apples

Exercise- BBG Week 8 Day 3

It’s the last week, and I’m feeling good about it! Hard to imagine how things will be after this. I feel like I’ll still try to live a somewhat Whole30 lifestyle without total deprivation. I’m really nervous about the reintroduction. I don’t want my body to rebel! Any tips?

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