Halfway Point!

It’s Day 15, and I have so many emotions about it.

I did a non-Whole30 thing and took halfway point photos for comparison from Day 1.

Holy. crap.

I could tell by the way my clothes fit that this whole process was working, but it is so different to see it through photos. I won’t post them because it is against the program, but it was incredibly validating. It was also proof to me that processed food is slowly causing health issues for all of us.

This validation could not have come at a better time. We went out to eat last night for the first time on Whole30. We went to a Mexican restaurant, so I figured fajitas would be no issue. Just in case, I made a little Post-It with our dietary restrictions to give to the server thinking it would help. I mean, I guess it did? But, the server and the rest of the staff seemed very confused by all of it, probably due to a language barrier. Apparently, the meat is all marinated in advance and the staff and kitchen were unable to tell me what was in the marinate. I felt like an epic pain in the ass, but it worked out in the end.

I had shrimp fajitas, which is what I wanted anyway, with tomato, lettuce, and guacamole. Anthony had a steak. No oil or seasoning on anything.

I’ll tell ya…I did feel like we stuck out like a sore thumb and that the restaurant felt we were troublemakers. Going out to eat on Whole30 is really no fun.

BUT! IT’S WORKING! And that is all that really matters to me in this moment.

Here is my meal and exercise plan from this past week. As always, let me know if you need a recipe. I’m a total slacker at the photo thing, sorry about that.


Meal 1- Scrambled eggs with onion, spinach, tomato, and bell pepper, bacon, apple and almond butter

Meal 2- Salmon stuffed avocados

Meal 3- Buffalo chicken casserole

Exercise- Rest day


Meal 1- Roasted sweet potatoes with eggs, sliced avocado, fruit

Meal 2- Spinach salad with chicken, pine nuts, grape tomatoes, and red onion with compliant ranch

Meal 3- Leftovers

Exercise- BBG Week 7 Day 1


Meal 1- Breakfast casserole

Meal 2- Tuna with boiled egg, grapes, olive oil, onion, celery, and avocado

Meal 3- Slow-cooker pork with sauteed veggies

Exercise- Yoga


Meal 1- Breakfast casserole

Meal 2- Roasted sweet potato, salsa, boiled egg, mashed avocado

Meal 3- Sloppy Joe Bowls

Exercise- 2 mile run- I’m still injured and running is basically torture after the first half mile, but I seriously can’t stop trying.


Meal 1- I was absolutely determined to have a non-egg breakfast…diced sweet potato with spinach and mashed avocado, bacon, and fruit

Meal 2- Leftovers

Meal 3- Leftovers

Exercise- BBG Week 7 Day 2


Meal 1- Breakfast casserole with roasted sweet potato strings and avocado

Meal 2- Hamburger on lettuce with ranch and roasted veggies

Meal 3- Anthony cooked a delicious and random spaghetti squash and chicken meal.

Exercise- BBG Week 7 Day 3


Meal 1- 2 eggs overhard (my favorite way), bacon, sliced avocado, fruit

Meal 2- Leftovers

Meal 3- Shrimp fajitas at a restaurant

Exercise- Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 1–I swear by the Couch to 5K and Couch to 10K apps. I would have never made it to half-marathon ability without them. Since I am injured, I figured I’d do something that forced me to stop occasionally. I started to hurt after running for about 7 minutes straight, so I can’t move forward on the app. Something is really wrong with my knee and I don’t know what nor do I have time to deal with it. So, I think I’ll just start running in 5 minute intervals with 3 minute walks in between for 3 cycles. Better than nothing!

Much of this weekend has been spent prepping. Better get back to it. I’m headed out of town tonight for a school activity, so I’ll be prepping and packing all of my meals to ensure I am not stuck in a bind. I finally caved and purchased Larabars, though I am hesitant to use them because of triggering my sugar dragon. We’ll see.


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