Week 1–Done!

Our first week is officially over and we’ve survived up to this point!

I’m feeling pretty good. The temptation continued into the school week when a classmate brought brownies. GASP!

It became pretty comedic because a classmate noticed that my eyes kept darting– okay, staring— at the brownie container and she thought I was looking at her.

How terribly sad, yet hilarious.

But, I ate my boiled egg and diverted my line of vision elsewhere. It was fine. Survival.

Anthony has his own struggles. He hasn’t read It Starts with Food, just following the elimination plan, so he weighed himself at the gym and found out he lost 5 pounds. You would think that is a good thing, but his goal is always to put on as much weight as possible. I’m going to try to add more fats and white potatoes into his diet and pack heartier lunches. He hasn’t abandoned it quite yet, but I’m sure he will if he loses 5 pounds a week…

My biggest struggle at this point is maintaining the constant meal prep with school starting to ramp up…I spent hours in the kitchen yesterday and had to drag Anthony into it when he got home from work. I’ve made him aware that he is really going to need to help when schoolwork comes first. He is totally supportive.

As promised, here is the exercise and meal plan I followed for the week. Like I said, let me know if you are interested in any recipes! This process has made me feel far more handy in the kitchen, which is nice. I have some photos, but not many. I won’t repost photos already posted, but I will share new ones that I did remember to take!


Meal 1- 5 scrambled eggs with tomato and onion, sliced avocado, strawberries

Meal 2- Slow-cooker sweet potato chili

Meal 3- Fresh-caught Louisiana fish (Thanks, babe!) with lemon and olive oil drizzle, sauteed spinach and broccoli, sliced avocado, apple

Exercise- 2.5 mile run


Meal 1- Scrambled eggs and veggies with bacon and fruit and possibly roasted sweet potato noodles (amaaaazing)–I didn’t record this one properly, so I am a bit unsure of the specific details or if this is even the day I roasted the sweet potato noodles, I just remember how delicious they were…

Meal 2- Spinach and chicken salad with veggies and homemade avocado dressing

Meal 3- Grilled chicken with cherry tomato and asparagus

Exercise- BBG Week 6 Day 1


Meal 1-  Breakfast casserole

Meal 2- Spinach and chicken salad with veggies and oil/vinegar

Meal 3- Slow-cooker chicken and vegetable soup

Exercise- Yoga


Meal 1- Scrambled eggs with red pepper and onion, bacon, bananas and raspberries

Meal 2- Tuna salad with eggs, onions, celery, grapes, and avocado (yum!)

Meal 3- Salmon with an avocado and onion topping, side of roasted veggies (carrots, beets, squash, etc)–also yum!

Exercise- Run 1.75 miles- This run was cut short because I injured my knee somehow. No clue, how. It was fun to limp the last .75 miles home.


Meal 1- Leftover breakfast casserole (I was careful to time out days that I needed this breakfast casserole for when I didn’t have time to work over the stove.)

Meal 2- Leftover sweet potato chili

Meal 3- Baked fish with zucchini noodles, avocado, onion, and tomato

Exercise- BBG Week 6 Day 2


Meal 1- Leftover breakfast casserole

Meal 2- Sauteed sweet potato noodles  with chopped boiled eggs, spinach, mashed avocado, and salad

Meal 3- Anthony made ratatouille! We ate it with the last of the baked fish.

Exercise- 3 mile run- my knee injury made another visit after the first mile…sharp pain. I once went to physical therapy for knee pain, so I’m not sure why it is suddenly returning after all this time. Hoping it is temporary because it definitely had me limping across campus earlier in the week, especially when walking downhill.


Meal 1- Sweet potato hash with eggs over-hard (my favorite way!)

Meal 2- Spinach salad with pine nuts, almonds, avocado, tomato, boiled egg and Tessamae’s compliant ranch I found at Kroger when grocery shopping earlier in the day!

Meal 3- Leftover sweet potato chili and veggie soup

Exercise- BBG Week 6 Day 3

This weekend, we prepped most of Anthony’s lunches for the week and I made the breakfast casserole again since it was super convenient for a few quick breakfasts for us.

As you can see, I started to cut into it before I remembered I should take a picture!

I am working on some schoolwork for the rest of the morning and then we are going to a hockey game which will be a great opportunity to turn down beer and ignore the smell of popcorn, nachos, and other foods that smell great but would probably make me feel yuck after eating it. It is basically our first time “out” since starting this program, so wish us luck!

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