5 by 5

Any Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans out there? [Besides me!]. Feeling 5×5 on Day 5!

I expected to use this blog to process out my frustrations a lot more than I have as this begins, but it really hasn’t been that bad for me. Call me lucky, I guess. After the first day of excessive sugar detox, I didn’t really experience that again. The first day I finished lunch at my assistantship, I felt incredibly bloated because I didn’t have that “cigarette” [actually, chocolate] that I always had after lunch. I tackled this feeling at home, but I’ll deal with it in each of my regular environments, apparently.

I passed that test!

Speaking of tests…

I walk into my assistantship on the first day…HUGE bag of Hershey’s Kisses on the table. I considered moving them, but I didn’t. Those little jerks will NOT rule my life. The next day, I went to my internship and was offered a cookie cake from someone’s birthday.

Nope. No, sir. No, ma’am. No, EVERYBODY.

At my assistantship this morning, they brought donuts. The chocolate looked appealing, but the idea of stuffing my face with the pile of non-nutritious deliciousness just didn’t speak to me.

I will say…I’m starting to become slightly tired of eggs. It is such an easy way to get protein in the morning, so I have to manage. Everyone says to think of it as Meal 1, Meal 2, and Meal 3 instead of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I just cannot eat dinner leftovers for breakfast. It just doesn’t work like that for me. I’d rather deal with the eggs.

I’ve been sticking to my workout schedule! So, that is great. It’s the first week of school, so things have not quite ramped up yet. Easing into all of this, and it is working out well, so far.

Meal prep last weekend saved my life. It made this week so much easier (as did my wonderful and helpful husband, who is finally starting to let go of some of his tendencies to overconsume and really enjoy what we are doing here!). I’ve done a terrible job of taking photos of my meals. I’m just not that person.

Here is all ya get:

Chicken and spinach salad with homemade avocado dressing, tomatoes, bell peppers, almonds, and strawberries 

Veggie soup with roasted sweet potato noodles underneath…so yummy!

That’s all I got this week! Terrible. What I will do is post the meal/exercise plan that unfolded at the end of the week. If anyone is interested in recipes, just get in touch with me and I am happy to share. I’ll try to be better about photos from this point forward, but that obnoxiousness has to be limited somewhere.

So far, everything has been really good! I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything. I feel less bloated, less gross, less heavy in my body, and greatly accomplished because I’ve cooked so much  this week. I also like that my husband I are sitting down at the dinner table more. He is nice to look at and talk to sometimes. 🙂

This is not our dinner table. Just a dinner table. 

Hopefully, my report is positive again in a few days! I feel like this is a day-to-day experience.

Happy Thursday! 

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