Double, Double…

Double the amount of time I spent in the grocery store than usual.

Double the amount of money I spent in the grocery store than usual (sorry, hubs!).

But…double the amount of good health we’ll have…right?

*sigh* Anything to feel okay with the fact that this meal prep thing is not a joke. It is costly, especially in time and money. Weigh it with the cost of my health, however, and I feel more justified.

Here is a photo of my lovely basket yesterday:

Gorgeous, right? One of the workers in seafood even commented and said my basket was “pretty”. I said, “Yeah, pretty expensive!“. It is what it is.

I spent about 4 hours today cooking hamburger patties for Anthony’s lunch and putting them into meal prep containers for the week. I added almonds, 2 boiled eggs, grapes, carrots, 2 olives, celery, and almond butter for a meal fit for My King (and hopefully enough filling foods to keep him satisfied for long workdays!).

We had a slight boiled egg disaster last night, which is why they look so unattractive. 

After that, I became a slicing and dicing machine. Tomatoes, onions, carrots, squash, zucchini, beets (which make a beautiful and purple mess, in case you weren’t aware), sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, and apples were all cut up and placed into bags, ready to be sauteed or added to any dish. It took me HOURS. In case you weren’t aware, I don’t really know my way around a kitchen (even my own) and I am not very good with a knife. But, I survived and I didn’t lose any fingers (this time…).

This is my fridge now.

I didn’t take a before photo of my fridge, but here is a before photo of my pantry after I cleared out all of the non-compliant items:

Shows how much processed crap we were eating, right? The fridge looked similar before I filled it with so much goodness.

I still have some more prep to do, but I am going to wait for Anthony to get home. Actually, if you remember my to-do list from the last blog post, I have prep to do EVERY DAY. But I think the slicing and dicing is the most tedious.

Tomorrow, we start Whole30 Round 1 Day 1 (R1D1, for future reference).




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